High Flow Oxygen Therapy Breathing Systems

Smoothbore inspiratory limbs with embedded heated wires in a reinforced spiral construction. Delivers optimal humidity and manages excess rain-out.

HME Booster

Located close to the patient, the innovative HME Booster is a unique solution to provide heat and humidity to the patient without relying on conventional active humidification systems.

Humidification Accessories

Range of adapter leads and accessories compatible with FL-9000 and FL-10000 Respiratory Humidifiers.

Humidification Chambers

Part of a complete system to actively warm and humidify inspired respiratory gases delivered to ventilated patients and those receiving respiratory support.


The Hygrovent HMEFs are respiratory filters with an integrated heat and moisture exchanger. The electrostatically enhanced filter protects patient and clinician against bacterial and viral infections.

MaxiNeb® Duo

A high performing, dual mode nebuliser which provides the clinician and patient with the ability to instantly switch between patient controlled or continuous treatment, improving patient comfort, increasing caregiver and surrounding environment safety and reducing medicine wastage.

MaxiNeb® Nebulisers

Intended to convert suitable liquid medication into a mist of fine particles for inhalation by a patient with the intent that the particles be deposited directly into the lower airway. MaxiNeb nebulisers have a low Dead Volume, short nebulising time, optimal MMAD and high percentage of aerosol mass in the Respirable Range.

Medium Concentration Masks

Soft and pliable mask that moulds easily to the patient’s face, with a feathered-edge rim for excellent fit and seal to provide maximum comfort and efficacy.

Mini Wright Standard

The Gold Standard accurate peak flow measurement device for asthma management, Mini Wright™ enables objective measurement of airway constriction, suggesting actions necessary for asthma management. Individually calibrated for absolute accuracy.

Nasal Cannulas

Soft Touch Nasal Cannula for the delivery of low-flow supplemental oxygen. Flexible tubing minimises friction and pressure on the skin reducing the risk of tissue damage and pressure ulcers.

Nioflo™ Nasal Cannula

A premium cannula for the accurate delivery of high and low flow humidified gases, optimising mucociliary clearance, increasing alveoli recruitment and improving patient comfort and compliance.

Non-Heated Wire Breathing Systems

Low compliance Adult and Pediatric non-heated breathing systems for patients requiring respiratory support.

Non-Rebreathing Mask

The first choice for high oxygen concentration delivery to spontaneously breathing patients in an acute medical emergency. One way valves on mask minimise room air entrainment ensuring patient receives highest levels of oxygen. Available with a safety port to facilitate room air entrainment into mask if oxygen supply becomes blocked, allowing the patient to breathe normally.

Oxygen Tubing

Oxygen tubing with available in rolls or in large quantities provide clinical support.

Oxygen Tubing Connectors

Range of connectors for greater flexibility and customisation, compatible with our oxygen tubing.

PEEP Valves

Color coded, for the application of Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP).